Important Links
Here are the related links for this SDK release (version ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V2.0.0_16_08_10):
ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V2.0.0_16_08_10 Release Notes
- Changed the license of some source files to espressif MIT.
- Updated libphy.a to 1055, fixed an issue of large current in Light-sleep.
- Updated AT+ to 1.3.0:
3.1 Added Light-sleep wakeup command, AT+WAKEUPGPIO;
3.2 Fixed abnormal AT+CWDHCPS IP allocation;
3.3 Added at_sdio demo under example directory.- Fixed probable system default when calling cur and def interfaces.
- Fixed the issue of high current in Deep-sleep mode without disabling SPI first.
- Fixed an issue where the SDK would crash when switching from AP to Station mode by calling wifi_set_phy_mode.
- Updated secondary boot loader to v1.6:
7.1 Supports AT + based on SDIO;
7.2 Supports entering testing mode through GPIO.- Added support for MXIC Flash QIO mode.
- Fixed exception caused during TCP handshake and retransmission.
- Fixed issues in ESP-NOW.
- Added ESP-PAIR (Simple-Pair) feature, for APIs please refer to ESP8266 SDK API Guide.
- wpa2-enterprise time function derivation and time check disable can be set by users.
- Support for PEAP/TTLS in wpa2-enterprise, for APIs please refer to ESP8266 SDK API Guide.
- Added mqtt demos under examples directory.
- Other issue fixes.
- Resolved an issue that RF_Init_data sector may be broken in stress test. Provided a function user_rf_cal_sector_set which has to be added in application by software developer. More details about user_rf_cal_sector_set refer to documentation "2C-ESP8266__SDK__API Guide". (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)
- Fix a potential risk that will cause rf not work after external reset. (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)
- Add SDIO AT support. (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)
- Fix a potential bug in espconn. (Resolved in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.4.1)
ESP8266_NONOS_SDK Notes:
- esp_init_data.bin has to be downloaded into flash at least once.
- Download blank.bin to initialize the sector stored RF_CAL parameter (set by user_rf_cal_sector_set), and download esp_init_data.bin into flash, when the system needs to be initialized, or RF needs to be calibrated again.
AT Notes:
- Since the release of ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0, AT firmware is too large to use 4Mbit flash. Please choose flash with at least 8Mbit capacity.
- Firmware upgrade over-the-air process is changed a bit. We will upgrade the latest AT firmware to Espressif Cloud server only after it has been tested and the overall performance is guaranteed. Users may not be able to use AT+CIUPDATE in ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 and other more advanced versions.
Have fun!
ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V2.0.0_16_08_10 发布说明
- 更改部分源文件的license为espressif MIT;
- libphy.a 更新至 1055,解决 Light-sleep 有时电流偏大的问题;
- AT+ 更新至 1.3.0:
3.1、新增 Light-sleep 唤醒命令,AT+WAKEUPGDIO;
3.2、修正 AT+CWDHCPS IP 池分配异常问题;
3.3、在 examples 目录下新增 at_sdio 示例;- 修正调用 cur、def 接口时可能存在的系统状态错误;
- 修正 Deep-sleep 之前未关闭 SPI 导致 Deep-sleep 时电流过大问题;
- 修正调用 wifi_set_phy_mode 后从 AP 切到 Station 模式时可能出现的 crash;
- 更新二级 boot 到 v1.6:
7.1、支持 AT + SDIO 的需求;
7.2、支持通过 GPIO 控制进入测试模式;- 增加对其他 2 线转 4 线 SPI Flash 的支持;
- 修正 TCP 握手重传时引起的 Exception;
- 修正 ESP-NOW 问题;
- 新增 ESP-PAIR(Simple-Pair)功能,具体 API 请参考手册;
- wpa2-enterprise time 函数导出由用户设置,及 time check disable 由用户设置;
- wpa2-enterprise 新增 PEAP/TTLS 支持,具体 API 请参考手册;
- 在 examples 目录下新增 mqtt 示例;
- 其他问题的修正;
- 修正部分情况下,RF_Init_data 系统参数区可能被破坏的问题。新增 user_rf_cal_sector_set,用户程序必须实现此接口,详细参见文档 “2C-ESP8266__SDK__API Guide”。 (中解决)
- 修正外部复位后,小概率存在 rf 不工作的问题。(中解决)
- 新增AT针对SDIO的支持。(中加入)
- 修正espconn中一处潜在问题。(中解决)
ESP8266_NONOS_SDK 注意事项:
- esp_init_data.bin 至少需要烧录一次到 flash。
- 建议整个系统需要做初始化设置时,或需要重新进行 RF_CAL 时,烧录 blank.bin 到 RF_CAL 参数区 (由 user_rf_cal_sector_set 设置),并烧录 esp_init_data.bin 到 flash。
AT 注意事项:
- 从版本 ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 起,AT 固件所需空间增大,无法再使用 4Mbit (512KB) Flash,请使用 8Mbit (1MB) 或以上容量 Flash。
- 我司优化了 AT 固件的升级流程,AT 固件发布后,会等一段时间,待客户反馈稳定后,才上传到 Espressif Cloud 以供下载更新。因此,如果使用 ESP8266_NONOS_SDK_V1.5.0 及之后版本的 AT 固件暂时无法从 Espressif Cloud 升级。